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10 Percy Terrace
Sunderland, England, SR2 8SE
United Kingdom


Bee- Enchanted is a circus entertainment company providing stilt walkers, fire breathers, hula hoopers, wedding entertainment, kids entertainment, in Sunderland, Newcastle, Durham, the north east of england 


 Hi Im Penella Bee from Bee- Enchanted. Read the latest in my arts council funded project. I will be Creating a magical glow show with l.e.d and glow performers from Sunderland and Newcastle. 

Filtering by Tag: neon make up

UV Make UP Photo Shoot

Bee Enchanted cic

So as part of my R and D I'm going to explore the world of GLOW in the Dark make up.. Ive worked with a body painter,  a street artist and a photographer before and we developed some stunning images right here in Sunderland. 

This time I get to work with an all female team make up artist Dominque  laws and photographer Sharon Mclnerney

Things to do 

Buy a high watt UV Cannon 

Trail make up designs 

Decide types of looks 

Piece of uv art work for back drop 

Buy uv accesories 


The shoot was amazing see below!