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10 Percy Terrace
Sunderland, England, SR2 8SE
United Kingdom


Bee- Enchanted is a circus entertainment company providing stilt walkers, fire breathers, hula hoopers, wedding entertainment, kids entertainment, in Sunderland, Newcastle, Durham, the north east of england 


 Hi Im Penella Bee from Bee- Enchanted. Read the latest in my arts council funded project. I will be Creating a magical glow show with l.e.d and glow performers from Sunderland and Newcastle. 

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So What is Glow?!

Bee Enchanted cic

Glow is a journey  with the final destination  being a work in progress performance. 

The journey goes through the following stages;

Stage 1- Pro Development

Professional Development - Hip Hop dance

Professional Development Aerial hoop 

Stage 2 -Research and Development

- Meet with film and technical support.- Buy Lap top/ projectors.

Research Projection mapping outlining animation ideas for the cubes  developing -zodiac light

 Develop first stages of choreography. 

- Research and Purchase  Glow  equipment. 

-Online research collect and save to a  Glow Pinterest. Projection mapping and dance, street art and projection, glowspiration, uv make up, glovers forums, circus and hip hop, neon costumes, uv costumes. 

Stage 3 - Marketing

Work with Photographer and makeup artist -Create a Glow image for social media advertising 

Frank Styles to create a piece of UV street art.

Update website and social media /Meet with marketing advisors for a social media plan. 

Work with Costume Designer

Stage 4 - Studio based R and D &  Work with Artists

-More R and D studio Time- solo. / second photo shoot

-Work with animator and  projection mapping company. 

-Work with dancers and music producer.

Stage 4  Film 


launch on social media. 

Stage 5  Business Development and  Sharing  of work

Work with SES business development team to form a Community Interest Company  

Finish choreo and rehearse 

Share work

Meeting with Chris Williams head of media Sunderland University re all things technical =)

Meeting with Chris Williams head of media Sunderland University re all things technical =)

We bought the mac book  pro! Its so fast! can't wait to start my research! 

We bought the mac book  pro! Its so fast! can't wait to start my research! 

Professional Development Hip Hop

Bee Enchanted cic

1st July 2016 - Dance City

So Ive been working with Jason Lund from the Ruff Diamond Cru on hip hop pro development, with a special focus on  body popping techniques.

Some of the techniques we will be working; Robotics, Toy Man, Boogaloo, Fresno, Tutting, Waving, twist of flex, master flex, romeo twist, egyotian twist, strobing, animation , Breaking- floor work, freezes, top rocking. 


Today we worked on boogaloo above Jason demonstrates chest isolations important to get this correctly so the boogaloo works. 



3rd August 2016  Today we were at studio Dance Jam in Sunderland. Ive put together a small movement phrase with some of my ideas and Jasons expertise, video below includes top rocking techniques.