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10 Percy Terrace
Sunderland, England, SR2 8SE
United Kingdom


Bee- Enchanted is a circus entertainment company providing stilt walkers, fire breathers, hula hoopers, wedding entertainment, kids entertainment, in Sunderland, Newcastle, Durham, the north east of england 


 Hi Im Penella Bee from Bee- Enchanted. Read the latest in my arts council funded project. I will be Creating a magical glow show with l.e.d and glow performers from Sunderland and Newcastle. 


Bee Enchanted cic

  • I have learnt that 
  • To project onto dancers the costumes need to be as light as possible - Pref White. 
  • Leather and stiff fabric is the most effective to attach EL wire as its hard to sew on light fabrics. 
  • Clothes need to have as much light as possible as the stage is dark 
  • UV lights work well on uv fabrics but the uv can dull the background projections if the projector isnt poweful 

Ive decided to work with a leather maker and I have designed some white leather tops with moulded cups. i think they have a futuristic feel. 

We have white jackets with E L wire outline , white leggings and skirts with highlights of uv spray paint. 

I think to develop GLOW in the next stages more research may be required - THE leather tops looked great but were difficult to dance in as were quite rigid. 

The white jackets and leggings are great but dont work well outside and collect dirt! This makes it difficult as the EL wire is sewn on and time consuming to detach and wash. 



Sketch - penella  bee